
Network Whitepaper | Part 8 — Masterplan

By Link Daniel

Original Publication Date: January 21, 2021

The purpose of the network is to accelerate the advent of brain computers as they only appear in our imagination today and create virtual dreams as a novel medium to explore the nature of reality. We will focus on creating an open, permissionless network that stands between brains and computers that can guarantee crypto-economic primitives in order to complement the brain computer industry as it currently exists and expedite its core mission of mapping all neurons in the brain.

We are building the network that will allow people to connect their brain computer link to the virtual world. That means we are going to work with everyone who develops brain computer interfaces and interact with academic teams and government organizations in order to create this type of open, permissionless system. At the same time, we are not relying on them to cooperate with us. While we strive to be interoperable, we also expect some parts of the legacy system not wanting to be involved with us, at least at first. We merely show an alternative path. As previously iterated, it is important to make this network as accessible as possible to the widest and most diverse set of people from around the world. Together with the internet, bitcoin and crypto-economic primitives, we are confident that we can launch a network that will be able to successfully run as an alternative system.

In order to make that happen, we propose an alternative system that incentivizes everyone to work together through proof of network and a token that gets distributed to those that verifiably provide value to the network. We intend to unite existing and new players into an open protocol, in which they have ownership over the direction of the protocol. Our protocol integrates technologies built by brain- computer interface companies. While we invite private companies developing brain computer interfaces to join the network, the success of the network will not be contingent upon any single actor. We derive our strength from being the network with the widest range of stakeholders from around the world. We will be working with governments and academic teams from around the world in order to show that what we are doing represents a viable alternative.

As the network launches, we will invite everyone to join us and collaborate on our industry goal of mapping out all neurons in the brain. Anyone that provides reliable value to the network’s mission of accelerating the advent of brain computers and virtual dreams as a novel medium will be able to get a stake in the network.

Our ultimate goal is to create virtual dreams as a medium and build an open ecosystem that is able to build on top of it. We have already been exploring technologies to increase the probability for lucid dreamers to become lucid at night. Our next step is to use early prototypes of brain computer interfaces to evolve that use case. We must demonstrate that we can be the ones that can create virtual dreams in the future. Any prototype also needs to be capable of breaking infinite loops for individuals. In that way, we have a dual mission of creating virtual dreams that will allow individuals to break through infinite loops. Our motivation for virtual dreams is to create a state of mind that aims for liberty. From the earliest prototype that we present to the public, we will always re-invest our resources into creating a new generation that will move us ever closer to our vision of virtual dreams.

To sum up the masterplan: create a network to accelerate the advent of brain computers by creating an open, permissionless ecosystem of diverse set of stakeholders who can verifiably provide value to the network in return for a token that will also be used as a tool to govern the future direction of the protocol. Ultimately, we are the network for individuals to connect their brain computer link to the virtual world in order to experience virtual dreams.

Initially we may have to build a version of virtual dreams that will be very expensive and unaffordable to most people. We will work hard to bring down the costs and make virtual dreams accessible to anyone. After all, we are not a company building a product, we are a decentralized organization creating an open, permissionless network that will put forward the best technologies of all stakeholders to accelerate the industry and then use its position to create virtual dreams as a novel medium. It may be something that people will laugh at first, but as we continue to work on improving the medium with the help of our stakeholders from all over the world, we have a chance to create a novel medium that could be used to heal people in a lasting way.

Finally this is why we are developing virtual dreams. While they could and probably will be used for all kinds of entertainment purposes, our motivation is focused elsewhere. By creating virtual dreams we can offer an alternative path to mental health and prevent that the mind virus does not lurk in the shadows of our economy until one day it gets out of control and leads to devastating consequences for society. Moreover, this is about empowering the individual. If we can ensure that individuals have great tools to introspect and explore their mind, then individuals can probably figure out how to unravel the mental patterns that shackle them and get healthy again. If virtual dreams also exist as a medium, then there will be a strong forcing function of people creating algorithms and tools on top of this medium to guide people and help them see the light. Ultimately this is about raising the light of awareness to empower individuals to step into liberty themselves. The final step into liberty nobody can take except oneself.